Oak Street Funding Exchange
List your business or search businesses for sale at no cost as a complimentary service from Oak Street Funding’s Exchange.
Exchange Marketplaces
We provide the marketplace where people look to buy or sell a business.

Insurance Agency Exchange
List your insurance agency on our complimentary marketplace and be seen by our network of connected buyers. Just looking? It’s free to search the marketplace and you can sign up for new listing alerts.

CPA Practice Marketplace
If you’re planning to sell your CPA practice, list it on our complimentary marketplace for qualified buyers to locate. If you’re looking to buy, you can search the marketplace for free and opt into new listing alerts.

RIA Firm Exchange
Find the right buyer for your firm by listing it on our complimentary marketplace. Buyers can search the marketplace for free and sign up for alerts when a new firm is listed.
LOUIS DAY Investment Advisor
Anonymous Agency Seller