
RIA Firm Buyers

We’ll Get You There.



Let Oak Street Funding help you find an RIA firm to buy

On Oak Street Funding’s RIA Firm Exchange, buyers and sellers can review each other’s firm information and request details from Oak Street Funding to begin the merger or acquisition process.

List your business in our Buyer Directory, or search our Listings for Sale to see profiles of firms that are currently for sale. Additionally, you can sign up to receive alerts as new buyers or sellers join our marketplace.

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Want to find a firm for sale?

Seller listings are a way for RIAs who want to buy a practice to review what is available in their market. Complete as few or as many of the fields below to find a firm listing that interests you.


Join our Buyer Directory

Our Buyer Directory gives you the chance to meet potential sellers that would normally be beyond your current network. To join our Buyer Directory, please fill out the form below and define the parameters of your ideal firm acquisition. An Oak Street Funding representative will connect with you shortly to review your listing, with as much anonymity as you prefer.

Oak Street does not represent any buyer or seller that lists on Oak Street Funding Exchange. Potential sellers and buyers are responsible for their own due diligence, negotiations, and documentation. Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential buyer who may contact you through your listing. Similarly, Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential seller who is listed on Oak Street Funding Exchange.