
CPA Practice Listing Alert Form


Listing Alert Form

Thanks for your interest in Oak Street Funding’s® CPAPracticeExchange. Please take the time to fill out the no-obligation form below to receive email alerts when practices in your desired area(s) become available for sale.

Thank you for your posting regarding your interest to sell an agency. You may request to remove your seller listing at any time by sending an email to, or via letter to Oak Street Funding, Attn: Jonica Drake, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1700, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Oak Street does not represent any buyer or seller that lists on osfAgencyExchange. Potential sellers and buyers are responsible for their own due diligence, negotiations, and documentation. Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential seller who may contact you through your listing. Similarly, Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential buyer who is listed on osfAgencyExchange.